1. Sarwareddy Kartik Kumar, Srinivas Sathrasala, Jandhyala Sai Krishna, Patnam Sreekanth, Anula Divyash Singh, M.S. Ratnamani, Iravathy Goud Kalal, Karthik Bharadwaj Tallapaka, Gajjela Praveen Kumar, Manda Venkata Sasidhar, Swarna Deepak Kuragayala,. "Vaccine-elicited immune pressure and SARS-CoV-2 mutational dynamics in breakthrough infections." Gene Reports (2024): 101899.

  2. Kumar, Sarwareddy Kartik, and Manda Venkata Sasidhar. "From fluids to forecasts: The promise of small extracellular vesicle miRNAs in revolutionizing cancer diagnostics." IntechOpen (2024). (In Press)

  3. Singh, A. D., Patnam, S., Manocha, A., Bashyam, L., Rengan, A. K., & Sasidhar, M. V. (2023). Polyethylene glycol-based isolation of urinary extracellular vesicles, an easily adoptable protocol. MethodsX, 11, 102310.

  4. Patnam, S., Majumder, B., Joshi, P., Singh, A. D., Nagalla, B., Kumar, D., ... & Manda, S. V. (2023). Differential Expression of SRY-Related HMG-Box Transcription Factor 2, Oligodendrocyte Lineage Transcription Factor 2, and Zinc Finger E-Box Binding Homeobox 1 in Serum-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Implications for Mithramycin Sensitivity and Targeted Therapy in High-Grade Glioma. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science.

  5. Singh, Anula Divyash, et al. "Exploring urinary extracellular vesicles for organ transplant monitoring: A comprehensive study for detection of allograft dysfunction using immune-specific markers." Clinica Chimica Acta 548 (2023): 117525.

  6. Kumar, Sarwareddy Kartik, and Manda Venkata Sasidhar. "Recent Trends in the Use of Small Extracellular Vesicles as Optimal Drug Delivery Vehicles in Oncology." Molecular Pharmaceutics 20.8 (2023): 3829-3842.

  7. Anula Divyash Singh, Sreekanth Patnam, Aravind Kumar Rengan and Sasidhar Venkata Manda, "Immunomodulatory Roles of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted from Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells," 2022 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), Iasi, Romania, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi:10.1109/EHB55594.2022.9991734.

  8. Sreekanth Patnam, Sudha Ranganathan, Nagalla Balakrishna, Anula Divyash Singh, Rajeswari Koyyada, Swarna Deepak Kuragayala, Prerna Bommasamudram, Sasidhar Venkata Manda, Polati Vishnu Rao. Association between ABO blood groups and their clinical indices during COVID-19 infection. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science, 2023, DOI: 10.4103/arts.ajts_97_22

  9. Anusha Tummala, Venkat Ramesh, M. Nagalla Balakrishna, Rajeswari Koyyada, Anula Divyash Singh, Sreekanth Patnam, M. Satish Kumar, Sneha Varahala, Sasidhar V. Manda, and Suneetha Narreddy. Diagnostic Values of Laboratory Biomarkers in Predicting a Severe Course of COVID-19 on Hospital Admission. Volume 2022, Article ID 5644956, 11 pages,

  10. Anula Divyash Singh, Sreekanth Patnam, Aravind Kumar Rengan, Sasidhar Venkata Manda, Immunomodulatory roles of mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles, P92, IEEE, 10th International E-Health and Biotechnology Conference Lasi, Romania. (Oral Presentation)

  11. Anula Divyash Singh, Patnam, S., Koyyada, R., Samal, R., Alvi, S.B., Satyanaryana, G., Andrews R., Panigrahi, A.K., Rengan, A.K., Mudigonda, S.S., Maitra, S. and Sasidhar, M.V. Identifying stable reference genes in polyethene glycol precipitated urinary extracellular vesicles for RT-qPCR-based gene expression studies in renal graft dysfunction patients, Transplant Immunology. 2022; 75 DOI: 10.1016/j.trim.2022.101715

  12. Rajeswari Koyyada, Balakrishna Nagalla , Anusha Tummala , Anula D. Singh , Sreekanth Patnam , Ravikiran Barigala , Mahati Kandala , Vamsi Krishna and Sasidhar V. Manda. Prevalence and Impact of Preexisting Comorbidities on Overall Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients. BioMEd Research International,Volume 2022, Article ID 2349890, 2022.

  13. Patnam S, Samal R, Koyyada R, Joshi P, Singh AD, Nagalla B, Soma MR, Sannareddy RR, Ippili K, Raju S, Boola RG, Lath R, Ranjan A, Ghosh S, Balamurugan M, Ray A, Manda SV. Exosomal PTEN as a Predictive Marker of Aggressive Gliomas. Neurology India. 2022 Jan- Feb;70(1):215-222. Doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.338731. PMID: 35263886 (IF-2.7)

  14. Anula Divyash Singh, Sreenu B, Syed Baseeruddin Alvi, Sreekanth Patnam, Rajeswari K, Vijay Kumar Kutala, Aravind Kumar Rengan and Sasidhar V Manda. Bovine milk-derived exosomal - curcumin exhibits enhanced stability, solubility, and cellular bioavailability. Clinics in Oncology 2021 | Volume 6 | Article 1769.

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  20. Surya Prakash Singh, Syed Baseeruddin Alvi, Deepak Bharadwaj Pemmaraju, Anula Divyash Singh, Sasidhar Venkata Manda, Rohit Srivastava, Aravind Kumar Rengan, NIR triggered liposome gold nanoparticles entrapping curcumin as in situ adjuvant for photothermal treatment of skin cancer. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules.2017.11.163

  21. Medapati MR, Singh Anula, Korupally RR, Henderson D, Klonisch T, Manda SV, Chelikani P. Characterization of GPCRs in extracellular vesicle (EV). Methods Cell Biol. 2017; 142:119-132. DOI: 10.1016/bs.mcb.2017.07.004. PMID: 28964331 (IF-1.4)

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